Monthly Archives: February 2006

T'ai Chi–the traditional

Stumbleupon Review T'ai Chi–the traditional Chinese martial art of boring your enemies to death    Eagles soar, but a weasel will never get sucked into a land war in Asia    Aloof, unavailable elf princess   But I don't WANT to live in … Continue reading

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Without gratuitous sex, we

Stumbleupon Review Without gratuitous sex, we would be no better than animals   When cats feel nauseous they think, "I hope I can make it to the couch"   Yes, I'm working on it.  No, I don't know when it will be done.  DON'T … Continue reading

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I've packed my emotional

Stumbleupon Review I've packed my emotional baggage and I'm ready for my ego trip Just do what your boss would do if they knew what they were talking about   Kill one person, you're a murderer. Kill a hundred people, you're … Continue reading

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How to get out of jury duty–

Stumbleupon Review How to get out of jury duty–ask, "If we convict him, can we keep his stuff?"   What did the surgeon say to the patient who wanted to close his own incision? Suture self.    Intelligence isn't hereditary. The goofball … Continue reading

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First they came for the verbs

Stumbleupon Review First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs.    Gods don't kill people. People with gods kill people.,    I … Continue reading

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Madness takes its toll–EZ

Stumbleupon Review Madness takes its toll–EZ pass in left lane    No sympathy for self-inflicted wounds    Photographic memory….I just ran out of film    If I lived in hell, I'd be home by now    It's the new millennium. Where's my flying car … Continue reading

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The human race's strongest

Stumbleupon Review The human race's strongest sexual instinct is the impulse to meddle in other people's sex lives   These are my principles.  If you don't like them, I have others.    What does your name do in TECO?    Which is correct, typos … Continue reading

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If writing were easy, it

Stumbleupon Review If writing were easy, it wouldn't pay so much Fandom–the world's largest ADD support group Nostalgia: fond memories of when your knees didn't hurt War is how Americans learn geography The Two Rules 1) Don't tell people everything … Continue reading

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A well regulated Militia,

Stumbleupon Review A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed Knowledge is power.  Power corrupts.  Study hard.  Be evil. Don't tread on me [with … Continue reading

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Things improve with age.&nbsp

Stumbleupon Review Things improve with age.  I'm approaching MAGNIFICENCE. You cannot really appreciate Dilbert until you have read it in the original Klingon What do you get if you cross a Unitarian and a Jehovah's Witness?  Someone who knocks on your door … Continue reading

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