Tag Archives: blog-entry

I went to buy a watch, and the

Stumbleupon Review of : I went to buy a watch, and the man in the shop said “Analogue.” I said “No, just a watch.”

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Loch Ard — the water was

Stumbleupon Review of : Loch Ard — the water was kinda high 😀

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December, 2007

Stumbleupon Review of : December, 2007…

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10 PRINT “Holy Chao

Stumbleupon Review of : 10 PRINT “Holy Chao!” 20 PRINT “It’s the” 30 GOTO 10 RUN

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I remember

Stumbleupon Review of : I remember, Kicking a ball against a wall Hour slipping: easily (and unnoticed), after hour Into the long evening.

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In fact, many contemporary,

Stumbleupon Review of : In fact, many contemporary, nonindustrialized cultures contentedly pass portions of the night in the same state of somnolence, says Carol Worthman, an anthropologist at Emory University who is one of the first to look at how … Continue reading

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I recently read a review of

Stumbleupon Review of : I recently read a review of a newly published collection of de Clayre’s work, in which the reviewer made the claim that she wasn’t an original thinker; that what she did was take the ideas of … Continue reading

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Stumbleupon Review Dilemma! ((p → q) ∧ (r → s) ∧ (¬q ∨ ¬s)) ├ (¬p ∨ ¬r)

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Stumbleupon Review وحدة الوجود

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“You’re not like other guys

Stumbleupon Review “You’re not like other guys here.” “I hope not. Most of these guys wouldn’t fit into my clothes.” “You’re so — when you walk into a room, you can feel it.” “This is your way of suggesting I … Continue reading

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