How to get out of jury duty–

Stumbleupon Review

  • How to get out of jury duty–ask, "If we convict him, can we keep his stuff?"  
  • What did the surgeon say to the patient who wanted to close his own incision? Suture self.   
  • Intelligence isn't hereditary. The goofball who wasn't good enough to marry your daughter can be the father of the smartest grandkid in the world.
  • Born to pun   
  • Recursive programming [in a circular flowchart that goes from dammit to dammit and so around]
  • Acting is an art which consists of keeping the audience from coughing  
  • Aim high–if you miss your target, at least you won't shoot your foot off
  • Anything with "Science" in its name isn't one….Political Science, Christian Science, Creation Science, Computer Science  
  • Calculus: the agony and dx/dt  
  • The costumes have reached a critical level. Soon the space ship will come through the wall.
  • Fandom collects. Absolute fandom collects absolutely everything.
  • God wrote the program, evolution is the output, meteor strikes are the reset button  
  • I can only please one person per day. Today I choose me.
  • I hate tattoos.  They make the meat taste all funny.
  • If the thought of doing something makes me giggle for at least 15 seconds, I am to assume I am not allowed to do it  
  • If we knew what we were doing, we wouldn't call it research
  • I'm not being argumentative. I'm just contradicting you.
  • I'm the Mommy, that's why  
  • In the Singularity, everyone will be famous for 15 nanoseconds. Simultaneously.
  • It isn't called the web of a million lies for nothing
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