Madness takes its toll–EZ

Stumbleupon Review

  • Madness takes its toll–EZ pass in left lane   
  • No sympathy for self-inflicted wounds   
  • Photographic memory….I just ran out of film   
  • If I lived in hell, I'd be home by now   
  • It's the new millennium. Where's my flying car that folds up into a suitcase?   
  • Raised by psychopathic wolverines   
  • Kittens: self-propelled dewy-eyed barbed wire in a mohair sweater   
  • Shouldn't pi be a round number?  Well, it's around 3.14   
  • I'm not Goth–I just look good in black   
  • Blood is thicker than water. Adjust your recipes accordingly.   
  • My words are carved in stone, as befits a real viking. Well, stored in silicon–it's almost the same thing, isn't it?  
  • Revenge is sweet, and it's best served cold.  It's a cheesecake!   
  • There are 10 kinds of people, those who are comfortable with binary, and those who aren't   
  • This is not "The Dream".  This is what I do on weekends. "The Dream" involves 2 sets of twins, a waterbed,a bucket of whipped topping, a quart of chocolate sauce, a dwarf, and a python.   
  • Vanilla. Monogamous. Not sorry.  
  • Cat Herder   
  • Fanatic: one who does what God would do if He knew the facts of the case   
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