If writing were easy, it

Stumbleupon Review

  • If writing were easy, it wouldn't pay so much
  • Fandom–the world's largest ADD support group
  • Nostalgia: fond memories of when your knees didn't hurt
  • War is how Americans learn geography
  • The Two Rules 1) Don't tell people everything you know
  • All your database are belong to us
  • Carpe per diem
  • For that is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons, even death may die….or come downstairs bump-bump-bump on the back of his head behind Christopher Robin Whately –The Shunned House at Poohthulhu Corner
  • I didn't believe in entropy until I bought a house
  • I want to move to theory.  Everything works in theory.
  • In mundania, I'm short, fat, and weird.  In fandom, I'm compact, cuddly, and interesting.
  • It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them
  • The only thing worse than being alone is wishing you were
  • Python is executable pseudocode.  Perl is executable line noise.
  • Recovering Upholsterer
  • Would you like clues with that?
  • Decadence is its own reward
  • Some people have one of those days. I have one of those lives.    
  • Books breed like rabbits, bookcases breed like elephants   
  • Don't mess with me–I dance with swords   
  • Go not to the surrealists for counsel, for they will say both blue and hippopotamus   
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