I've packed my emotional

Stumbleupon Review

  • I've packed my emotional baggage and I'm ready for my ego trip
  • Just do what your boss would do if they knew what they were talking about  
  • Kill one person, you're a murderer. Kill a hundred people, you're a terrorist. Kill a million people, you're a government. Kill everyone, you're a god.  
  • Knowledge corrupts.  I spent ten years in school. Run!  
  • A mind is a terrible thing to baste. Mine is fried.
  • Music is my drug of choice  
  • Now let us peel back the foreskin of misconception and apply the wire brush of enlightenment
  • The past isn't dead. It isn't even past.  
  • The plutonium fairy is a lot like the irony fairy, but without the subtlety.  
  • 'Point and click' means you're out of ammo  
  • Using lotteries to support education is a conflict of interest
  • VCR's watch tv so that you don't have to.
  • We have eaten death, and we shall taste eternal life….  
  • Welcome to heaven. Here's your harp and your tuning key. Welcome to hell. Here's your harp.
  • What is the terminal velocity of an unladen Balrog?
  • What kind of a dog says "Bofh! Bofh!"?  A rootweiler  
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