First they came for the verbs

Stumbleupon Review

  • First they came for the verbs, and I said nothing because verbing weirds language. Then they arrival for the nouns, and I speech nothing because I no verbs.   
  • Gods don't kill people. People with gods kill people.,   
  • I have a horrible hacking cough– every time I clear my throat, I break into another computer system   
  • I like a nice well-balanced diet. Tea *and* coffee.  
  • I want to be young and wild, and then I want to be middle-aged and rich, and then I want to be old and annoy people by pretending to be deaf   
  • I went on a nostalgia trip. It wasn't as good as it will be.  
  • I'm sorry, but I'm not apologizing any more   
  • It's better to be lucky than smart, but it's easier to be smart twice than lucky twice   
  • Good manners is the art of pretending one is not superior   
  • Judaism: an argument between God and His chosen pilpul   
  • God is who. Evolution is how.  
  • Vanilla. Monogamous. Sorry.  
  • [American Flag]   
  • I am Locution of Borg. Prepare to be a simile.   
  • If I had one more brain cell, I'd be dangerous   
  • In my next life, I want more memory installed   
  • It's not a lifestyle, it's a life   
  • Join the Society for the Restoration of Lost Positives–Together we can gruntle and shevel the world   
  • No–YOU need to manage my anger better   
  • What Would Scooby Do?   
  • Bored Now  
  • Don't I know you from Live Journal/Worldcon/Pennsic/Black and Blue Ball/Alt.Polycon/Burning Man  [checklist]  
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