T'ai Chi–the traditional

Stumbleupon Review

  • T'ai Chi–the traditional Chinese martial art of boring your enemies to death   
  • Eagles soar, but a weasel will never get sucked into a land war in Asia   
  • Aloof, unavailable elf princess  
  • But I don't WANT to live in a Tom Clancy novel!  
  • GO ME!  
  • Pervy Hobbit-Fancier  
  • Pervy Vampire-Fancier  
  • Sam will kill him if he tries anything   
  • Still not king   
  • Still the prettiest   
  • There is no GAP in Rohan   
  • We know Hussein has weapons of mass destruction–we have the receipts  
  • Will work for money   
  • How can we stand the excitement? [flat-mouthed smiley face]
  • At meetings someone speaks and says nothing. Nobody listens — and then everybody disagrees.  
  • A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular
  • How many gods are there?  Polytheist: Many. Monotheist: One. Atheist: Zero. Agnostic: "Don't know." Unitarian: "Any number except three. Well….maybe, but which three?"   
  • Religion isn't the cause of war, it's the excuse  
  • To have a few doubts is normal. To have many doubts is a crisis of faith. To have contant doubts is to be a Unitarian Universalist.   
  • Unitarian Bible Study Today!  Bring your own bible and scissors   
  • Unitarians are bad at congregational singing because they're always looking ahead to see whether they agree with the lyrics   
  • Universalists think God is too good to send them to hell. Unitarians think they are too good for God to send them to hell.   
  • [Chalice]  
  • What do Unitarians do when they're really mad at you?   They burn a question mark on your lawn  
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