Monthly Archives: February 2006

If you're a Goth, where

Stumbleupon Review If you're a Goth, where were you when we sacked Rome? America was designed by geniuses to be run by idiots Will of iron, nerves of steel, heart of gold, balls of brass…. No wonder I set off … Continue reading

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Beyond "For Dummies&quot

Stumbleupon Review Beyond "For Dummies": C++ for the Non-plussed, Visual Basic for the Blind, Perl for Swine Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or … Continue reading

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RPGs: Where the voices in your

Stumbleupon Review RPGs: Where the voices in your head come out and play We are the SCAborg.  Prepare to be assimilated.  Resistance is feudal. When life hands me lemons, I make lemonade–but what should I do with raspberries? Because cats read with … Continue reading

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What would Brian Boitano do

Stumbleupon Review What would Brian Boitano do? The words of the magus are to know, to will, to do, and one more I could remember if everyone would just shut up for a moment Working with Unix is like wrestling … Continue reading

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A sound mind in a sound body

Stumbleupon Review A sound mind in a sound body is a goal, not a prerequisite Therapy is expensive.  Poppin' bubble wrap is cheap.  You chose. There is a fine line between genius and insanity.  I have erased that line. There WAS no cabal … Continue reading

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Master of Superfluous

Stumbleupon Review Master of Superfluous Technology Miles' Girlfriends—be all you can be, and then some "More hay, Trigger?"  "No thanks, Roy. I'm stuffed." My father sacked Lindisfarne, and all I got was this lousy pennanular broach My name is Bambi.  You killed … Continue reading

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If God had wanted us to use

Stumbleupon Review If God had wanted us to use metric, he would have given us ten fingers If you want an answer to that question, you'd better be bringing me chocolate If you want to see me, drop in any … Continue reading

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Give me brains.  

Stumbleupon Review Give me brains.  After all, you are what you eat. Go sell crazy someplace else.  We're all stocked up here. Great minds, same gutters Hello.  I'm the Dread Pirate Roberts(tm) #9875.  Ask me about a franchise in your area. Hubris is stealing … Continue reading

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What does a pagan do at a

Stumbleupon Review What does a pagan do at a parking meter?  Reads the signs, calls the quarters, and pays tribute to Demeter Y2K complacent Alpha Geek Amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic As a matter of fact, Mr. Shatner, … Continue reading

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Stumbleupon Review [Yin/Yang] 🙂 Computer Analyst: "Now lie down and tell me about your motherboard…." An erection doesn't count as personal growth I believe in libraries.  Everybody should have one. I don't do math–that's why I went into computers I only … Continue reading

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