If God had wanted us to use

Stumbleupon Review

  • If God had wanted us to use metric, he would have given us ten fingers
  • If you want an answer to that question, you'd better be bringing me chocolate
  • If you want to see me, drop in any time. If you want to see my house, make an appointment
  • I'm a bad thing that happens to good people
  • I'm an atheist. It's a simple faith, but it comforts me.
  • I'm completely human–on my mother's side
  • I'm not a Goth–they just dress like me
  • I'm not pompous, I'm pedantic.  There's a difference.
  • Imagine Escher drawing his own bath
  • It doesn't have to make sense–it's library policy
  • It took Windows to make me appreciate DOS
  • It's the year 2000.  Where's my flying car that folds up into a suitcase?
  • I've done ISDN.  It's so 20th century.
  • I've had my weird shit quota for the week.  Thank you.
  • Lead me into the company of those who are seeking the truth and keep me out of the hands of those who have found it
  • Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Sith Lords
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