Give me brains.  

Stumbleupon Review

  • Give me brains.  After all, you are what you eat.
  • Go sell crazy someplace else.  We're all stocked up here.
  • Great minds, same gutters
  • Hello.  I'm the Dread Pirate Roberts(tm) #9875.  Ask me about a franchise in your area.
  • Hubris is stealing the fire of the gods.  Chutzpah is offering to sell it back.
  • I can only please one person per day.  Today is not your day.  Tomorrow probably won't be, either.
  • I don't flirt with death.  She runs up and sticks her tongue in my ear.
  • I don't go postal.  I get medieval.
  • I have a contract with my cat.  I feed the cat, and the cat, um, lets me.
  • I have one job on this lousy ship.  It's a stupid job, but I'm going to do it.
  • I have the body of a goddess–the Venus of Willendorf
  • I may be a squire, but I'm not YOUR squire
  • I pretend to work.  They pretend to pay me.
  • I wish killfiles worked in real life
  • I'd mock you, but the thrill is gone
  • If a stealth bomber crashes in a forest, does it make a sound?
  • If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed….Oh wait! He does!
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