What does a pagan do at a

Stumbleupon Review

  • What does a pagan do at a parking meter?  Reads the signs, calls the quarters, and pays tribute to Demeter
  • Y2K complacent
  • Alpha Geek
  • Amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic
  • As a matter of fact, Mr. Shatner, I *have* kissed a girl
  • Bi Poly Switch   I'm not indecisive, I'm GREEDY!
  • By caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, By the Beans of Java do thoughts acquire speed, Hands acquire trembling, The trembling becomes a shaking, By caffeine alone I set my mind in motion
  • Can I have my mid-life crisis now while I'm young and agile enough to enjoy it?
  • Cat: a narcissistic personality in a fur suit
  • Change is inevitable, growth is optional
  • Dijon Vu: The feeling you've seen mustard before
  • Do Catholic vampires believe in transubstantiation?
  • Do Catholic vegetarians believe in transubstantiation?
  • Do good, avoid evil, and throw a room party
  • Do NOT start with me.  You will NOT win.
  • Don't bother me–I'm living happily ever after
  • Eight hugs a day–gotta give'em, gotta get'em
  • *Expensive* Amazon!
  • Faith manages, Willow does tech support
  • The first amendment is meaningless without the freedom to not discuss the second
  • "Gee, Mr. Croup, what are we going to do tonight?"  "Same thing we do every night, Mr. Vandemar–try to take over London below!"
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