RPGs: Where the voices in your

Stumbleupon Review

  • RPGs: Where the voices in your head come out and play
  • We are the SCAborg.  Prepare to be assimilated.  Resistance is feudal.
  • When life hands me lemons, I make lemonade–but what should I do with raspberries?
  • Because cats read with their rear ends!
  • Carpe Sanguine
  • Geek used to be a text string–now it's a 128-bit numeric field
  • People ask me why I play with computers at home when I use them at work. They don't understand–I play with computers at work, too.
  • Encouragable Romantic
  • Dwarf–the other hardtack
  • Awake.  Aware.  Functional.  Pick one.
  • EVIL shouldn't look this GOOD
  • If God hadn't wanted bioengineering, he wouldn't have let us read the table of contents
  • If they call it common sense, shouldn't more people have it?
  • I'm a morning person.  I try not to rub it in.
  • I'm dressed and out of bed.  Awake will cost you extra.
  • Is that a raw fish in your pocket, or are you happy sashimi?
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that the maximum safe load capacity on my butt is 2 persons at one time unless I install handrails or safety straps.  As you have arrived 6th in line to ride my ass today, please take a number and wait your turn.
  • When it was all over, Pandora clicked on the window.  All the folders were empty, except for the one labelled "Hope".
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