Monthly Archives: February 2006

What's the difference

Stumbleupon Review What's the difference between MAGIC the Gathering ™ and crack cocaine? You can get crack cocaine anywhere What's the difference between New Age and Neo-Pagan? About $500 a weekend What's the good of being grown-up if you can't … Continue reading

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What part of "HUH?"

Stumbleupon Review What part of "HUH?" didn't you understand? What part of MEOW didn't you understand? What part of NEIGH didn't you understand? [picture of angry horse] What part of NO didn't you understand? What part of NOT SUPPORTED didn't … Continue reading

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What do you get if you have

Stumbleupon Review What do you get if you have thirteen witches in a hot tub?  A self-cleaning coven What do you get if you play New Age music backwards?  New Age music What do you look like when you aren't visualizing anything? … Continue reading

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We're going to keep on

Stumbleupon Review We're going to keep on repeating history until we get a passing grade We're here to help you appreciate normal people We're so busy catching minnows, we forget we're standing on a whale We're sorry, the button you … Continue reading

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We, the unwilling led by the

Stumbleupon Review We, the unwilling led by the unknowing are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.  We have done so much with so little for so long that we are now capable of doing practically anything with virtually nothing. We wouldn't … Continue reading

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We are confronted with

Stumbleupon Review We are confronted with insurmountable opportunities We are everywhere We are experiencing synaptical difficulties–please stand by We are the Franklin Mint of Borg. You will be assimilated….in five easy monthly payments. We are looking for the nuclear wessels … Continue reading

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Warning: grandparent with

Stumbleupon Review Warning: grandparent with pictures Warning! I still have all my spells! Warning: My dragon has hiccups Warning: Objects in calendar are closer than they appear Warning: One human being.  Contents under pressure. Use only as directed. Warning: This person … Continue reading

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Veni, Vidi, VCR–I came, I saw

Stumbleupon Review Veni, Vidi, VCR–I came, I saw, I taped Veni, Vidi, Velcro I came, I saw, I stuck around Veni, Vidi, Visa Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things —Dan Quayle Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothing. Veteran … Continue reading

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Usenet is not a right. &

Stumbleupon Review Usenet is not a right.  It's a right, a left, and an uppercut to the jaw. Usenet is not a right.  Usenet is a right, a left, a jab, and sharp uppercut to the jaw.  The postman hits!  You have new mail. … Continue reading

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Under the most carefully

Stumbleupon Review Under the most carefully controlled conditions of scheduling, programming, and con security, the fans will do what they damn well please Under the most carefully controlled conditions of temperature, density and pressure, the organism will do what it … Continue reading

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