Warning: grandparent with

Stumbleupon Review

  • Warning: grandparent with pictures
  • Warning! I still have all my spells!
  • Warning: My dragon has hiccups
  • Warning: Objects in calendar are closer than they appear
  • Warning: One human being.  Contents under pressure. Use only as directed.
  • Warning: This person reads fantasy and is an avid denier of reality
  • Warning: Whimsical when bored
  • Warning: You have entered a tact-free zone
  • Warp 7–it's a law we can live with
  • Warranty and guarantee clauses are voided by payment of the invoice
  • The warranty explicitly states that under NO circumstances shall a rocket be returned to the manufacturer under its own power
  • Wasting hundreds if not thousands of dollars every time I post
  • Watch it–You're trying my infinite patience
  • A watched clock never boils
  • Watership Down: You've read the book.  You've seen the movie.  Now eat the stew.
  • The way to a man's heart is through his back
  • The way to a man's heart is with a broadsword
  • We aim to please, but we shoot to kill
  • We all have faults, and mine is being wicked
  • We all live in a yellow subroutine
  • We already have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart?
  • We are all God's children–by a previous marriage
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