Stumbleupon Review
- Under the most carefully controlled conditions of scheduling, programming, and con security, the fans will do what they damn well please
- Under the most carefully controlled conditions of temperature, density and pressure, the organism will do what it damn well pleases
- The unfacts, did we have them, are too imprecisely few to warrant our certitude
- Unfortunately, Albert, God DOES play dice with the universe
- Unicorns aren't mythical–virgins are!
- The universe does not have laws–it has habits, and habits can be broken
- Unix expects computer friendly users
- UNIX is a very user-friendly system–it's just not promiscuous about which users it's friendly with
- UNIX is not an "a-ha" experience–it's more of a "holy-shit" experience
- UNIX is the answer, but only if you phrase the question very carefully
- UNIX wasn't designed to keep you from doing stupid things because that would also keep you from doing clever things
- Unspeakable error in module Cthulhu at address R'lyeh
- Until somebody debugs reality, the best I can do is a quick patch here and there
- Until you walk a mile in someone else's moccasins, you can't imagine the smell
- Up shit pulsar without a gravity generator
- Uppity Women Unite
- Upward compatible means that we get to keep all our old mistakes
- Usenet: If it didn't exist, nobody in their right mind would invent it
- Usenet is like Tetris for people who still remember how to read