What do you get if you have

Stumbleupon Review

  • What do you get if you have thirteen witches in a hot tub?  A self-cleaning coven
  • What do you get if you play New Age music backwards?  New Age music
  • What do you look like when you aren't visualizing anything?
  • What do you mean, "They beamed outside for some fresh air"?
  • What do you mean, we're not getting paid?
  • What do you mean, YOU'RE a solipsist?
  • What do you think of the human race?  I'd like an outsider's opinion
  • What does a sacred chao say?  MU!
  • What goes "Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!"?  A parroty error
  • What guard?
  • What if everyone's a different gender?
  • What if it was the Warren Commission who killed JFK?
  • What if the purpose of intelligent life is to get all that carbon back into the ecosystem?
  • What is the output of a vacuum pump?
  • What is your name?  Jean-Luke Picard.  What is your quest?  I seek the Holy Grail.  What is the top velocity of a Bird of Prey?  Romulan or Klingon?  …..AAAARRRRGGGH!
  • What part of EAT SHIT AND DIE didn't you understand?
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