What part of "HUH?"

Stumbleupon Review

  • What part of "HUH?" didn't you understand?
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  • What part of YES didn't you understand?
  • What played computer games so much it went extinct? The Nintendodo
  • WHAT Sixties revival? The Sixties never died!
  • What we have here is a failure to communi#}X@ NO CARRIER
  • What would Callahan do?
  • What would Cthulhu do?
  • Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed
  • Whatever you drop will hit your toes on the way to the corner
  • Whatever you're doing, it's not as important as petting the cat
  • What's large, gray, and not to the point? An irrelephant
  • What's seven feet tall and runs around the Himalayas with a light saber? A Yeti Knight
  • What's the difference between a used car salesman and someone who sells computers? A used car salesman knows he's lying–and can drive
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