Mankind is the result of

Stumbleupon Review

  • Mankind is the result of millions of years of evolution designed to produce a better Cat Servant
  • Cats humor us because they know that their ancestors ate ours.
  • My husband said he'd leave me if I didn't stop reading mysteries all the time… Why didn't I start sooner?
  • Dogs think men are gods. Cats are not so easily deluded.
  • It's hard to Soar with Dragons when you Work with Gargoyles
  • Bean me up, Scotty! They make lousy coffee down here
  • Some days, the most interesting thing on the TV is a sleeping cat!
  • Yes, I've heard of "decaf." What's your point?
  • Everybody needs something to believe. I believe I'll have another cup of coffee!
  • Just bring me the coffee and nobody will get hurt
  • Are you sure this isn't just a live-action roleplaying game?
  • "Get a life?" I'm a gamer! I have lots of lives!
  • A chill in the air, a cat on the lap, a mug of java and a good book. Ah paradise!
  • We will never have great leaders as long as we mistake education for intelligence, ambition for ability, and lack of transgression for integrity!
  • Different drummer? I'm my own band!
  • Forget world peace, visualize using your &+%?*$! Turn signals!
  • Federal Espresso – When you absolutely, positively have to have something that will get you going, no matter what you were doing overnight!
  • Only lawyers get to be judges, and that's the (F)LAW! (ONLY-L:
  • Inside every small problem is a big one trying to get government funding
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