Summa cum laude graduate,

Stumbleupon Review

  • Summa cum laude graduate, Darth Vader School of Personnel Management
  • Some mornings I just don't feel like slaying dragons
  • It's a control freak thing. I won't let you understand!
  • System analysis is the process of finding exactly the right wrench to pound in the required screw
  • Proudly marching to the beat of a different kettle of fish
  • I'm doing my part to piss off the Religious Reich
  • The best things in life aren't things
  • Ignore your rights and they'll go away
  • The "New Right" is fundamentally wrong
  • Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • First they burn books then they burn people
  • Question Authority before it Questions You!
  • Civil Disobedience – It's not just for revolutionaries anymore!
  • C:\COFFEE.EXE NOT FOUND <A>bort, <R>etry, <B>rew another pot?
  • Vote Conservative! There's no mistake like an old mistake!
  • Been there. Done that. Went back for more.
  • Computers cut my work in half… and the boss expects me to put it all back together!
  • Murphy was an optimixt!
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