Stumbleupon Review
- You are what you eat, so stay away from the jerk chicken
- You can't make an Omelas without breaking eggs
- Been there, done that, reformatted the hard drive
- The Clarke-Sturgeon Law: 90% of any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from crud
- Everything is more complicated than it looks. Biology is more like everything than anything else is.
- I'd rather be coding
- I'm awfully busy. Do you mind if I ignore you later?
- "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Control freak. Say, 'Control freak who?' "
- Music is enough for life, but one life is never enough for music
- My name is "No! No! Bad Kitty!". What's yours?
- My hair is this color because I ate paint chips as a child
- Political skill in the absence of statesmanship is the first act of a tragedy
- Proud Member of the Reality Based Community–seeking answers through judicious study of discernable reality
- Tact is for people who aren't witty enough for sarcasm
- There are only two ways to go. One is neither right nor wrong and the other one isn't.
- What's Klingon for "Who would bother to learn a made-up language like Elvish?"