What do UU's and Dracula

Stumbleupon Review

  • What do UU's and Dracula have in common? They both originate in Transylvania, and they both shy away from the cross  
  • No, I don't want to hear about your cat   
  • Pervy Diary-Fancier   
  • What part of infinity do you not understand?   
  • The fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, the neighborhood of Boston   
  • There is no such thing as an illegal human being   
  • Those who take history personally are condemned to repeat it   
  • Supervised by a cat   
  • Democracies die behind closed doors  
  • Pennsic has as much to do with real camping as it does with the real middle ages   
  • Anyone who throws loud all-night parties should have to live next to people who mow their lawns at dawn   
  • My name is Harry Potter. You killed my father. Prepare to die.   
  • Oh, sure….but what's the speed of dark?   
  • What do you call the guest of honor at a Unitarian funeral?  All dressed up and no place to go!  
  • What would Dumbledore do?   
  • I have a photographic memory, but I'm out of film   
  • Well-behaved women rarely make history   
  • I always wanted to marry someone who was crazy about me. I got half my wish.  
  • Making Middle Earth safer, one orc at a time   
  • Spathic   
  • Poly, and selective   
  • There's a fire in your brain, but all I can see is the smoke coming out of your ears  
  • Tivo watches tv so we don't have to  
  • We enter into this world naked, howling, and covered with blood. Why does the fun have to end there?   
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