Go away or I will replace you

Stumbleupon Review

  • Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script  
  • I write code so you don't have to
  • I'm blogging this
  • LiveJournal….because too much information is never enough
  • LiveJournal–because you can't masturbate ALL the time
  • A million votes here, a million votes there, pretty soon you're talking about real politics
  • The morning people won because the night people didn't stay up late enough to fight them
  • No, I will not fix your computer
  • Real Dungeons and Dragons players don't play D20
  • My two favorite colors are "Ooooh" and "SHINY!"
  • There's no place like ~
  • Drag God into politics, and you've ruined His reputation before you know it
  • Gay marriage…haven't they suffered enough?
  • It was in tune when I bought it
  • What did you do to the cat? It looks half dead. —Schrodinger's wife  
  • Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Interrogative
  • I believe in gravity. It' always lets me down.
  • Murphy never sleeps, but that's no reason to poke him with a sharp stick
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