De facto standards are

Stumbleupon Review

  • De facto standards are standards. De jure standards are wishes.  
  • "All knowledge is contained in fandom" does not mean any particular fan knows everything
  • 6 x 9 = 42–All your base 13 are belong to us
  • If God had wanted us to have safe sex, He would have made rubber grow on trees
  • P.T. Barnum was an optimist
  • The danger to political dissent is acute where the government attempts to act under so vague a concept as to protect domestic security —Supreme Court quote that the Justice Department tried to censor
  • Art is life. Without art, manga would be but brief novels.
  • Beware! I forgot to take my crazy pills this morning
  • Catch and release–when you just want to make the fish late for something
  • Destroy Tokyo all you want–we'll make more!  
  • Moon Prism Power
  • Mullets are only hot in 2D
  • My boyfriend is a magical girl in disguise
  • Rewind the tape, I can't read that fast
  • Real musicians have day jobs
  • Glomp if you love pocky!
  • "Good morning" is not a warranty
  • Sit Boy
  • I read lips, and I haven't seen a word you've said
  • IE doesn't have security holes, IE *is* a security hole
  • If it weren't for electricity, we'd be watching television by candlelight
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