Withdrawing in disgust is not

Stumbleupon Review

  • Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy
  • Without the last minute, how much would ever get done?
  • Woman has certain inalienable rights, and first and foremost among them is the right to occupy as much room as nature intended.  No more diets!
  • Women, children, Red Indians, spacemen, and a sort of idealized version of Complete Renaissance Men first!
  • Words cannot express how I feel about you.  Stand by for gestures.
  • The work most executives do isn't very different from the work most secretaries do, except that executives rarely have demonstrable skills like typing ninety words a minute
  • Work your fingers to the bone, and what do you get?  Bony fingers!
  • The world is a video game where you don't have another quarter
  • The world is cracked; this is all a bad yolk
  • Worldcon bid committees have all of the disadvantages and none of the advantages of a group marriage
  • The worst book in a trilogy is the fourth
  • The worst thing about censorship is <CENSORED>
  • The worst thing about censorship is that it desensitizes people to violence–censorship IS violence
  • Worst-dressed sentient being in the known universe
  • Would all punsters please keep their gags in their mouths?
  • Would it save you some time if I just gave up and went mad now?
  • Would somebody PLEASE reboot the clue server?
  • Wouldn't it be a great world if insecurity and desperation made us more attractive?
  • Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone gave up violence forever? I could conquer the whole planet with a butter knife
  • Write failed on /dev/brain0:filesystem full   Write failed on /dev/brain0:filesystem full   Write failed on /dev/brain0:filesystem full
  • Writing about music is like dancing about architecture
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