Stumbleupon Review
- HAL 9000: "Dave, put those Windows disks down…Dave…DAVE!"
- Half of what I know today will be obsolete in five years–I'd just like to know which half
- Half the failures in life result from pulling in one's horse when it is leaping
- Half the fun of being alive is not knowing what tomorrow will bring. The other half is pretending you don't care.
- Happiness is a Tardis with a working dematerialization circuit
- Happiness is seeing your DM's face on a milk carton
- Happiness is the planet Earth in your rear view mirror
- Happy Happy Joy Joy
- Happy Happy Kill Kill
- Hard work may not kill me, but why take chances?
- Hardware: the part of the computer that can be kicked. If you can only curse at it, it's software.
- Harmless ninja throwing button
- Hatred is not a family value
- Have an adequate day
- Have an affair. It'll help break up the monogamy
- Have an illuminated day! [picture of smiley pyramid]
- Have food–will work for money
- Have no fear–I never attack lesser beings
- Have Tardis, will travel
- Have you changed your tofu water today?
- Have you ever had your phone tapped by the government? YOU WILL and the company that brings it to you is…AT&T
- Have you hugged your dragon today?