Stumbleupon Review
Doin’ it : M – P
1. Markov does it in chains.
Mathematical physicists
1. Mathematical physicists understand the theory of how to do it,
but have difficulty obtaining practical results.
1. Mathematicians do it associatively.
2. Mathematicians do it by numbers.
3. Mathematicians do it commutatively.
4. Mathematicians do it constantly.
5. Mathematicians do it continuously.
6. Mathematicians do it discretely.
7. Mathematicians do it exponentially.
8. Mathematicians do it forever if they can do one and can do one more.
9. Mathematicians do it functionally.
10. Mathematicians do it homologically.
11. Mathematicians do it in fields.
12. Mathematicians do it in groups.
13. Mathematicians do it in imaginary planes.
14. Mathematicians do it in n dimensions.
15. Mathematicians do it in numbers.
16. Mathematicians do it in theory.
17. Mathematicians do it on smooth contours.
18. Mathematicians do it over and under the curves.
19. Mathematicians do it parallel and perpendicular.
20. Mathematicians do it partially.
21. Mathematicians do it rationally.
22. Mathematicians do it reflexively.
23. Mathematicians do it symmetrically.
24. Mathematicians do it to prove themselves.
25. Mathematicians do it to their limits.
26. Mathematicians do it totally.
27. Mathematicians do it transcendentally.
28. Mathematicians do it transitively.
29. Mathematicians do it variably.
30. Mathematicians do it with a Minkowski sausage.
31. Mathematicians do it with imaginary parts.
32. Mathematicians do it with linear pairs.
33. Mathematicians do it with Nobel's wife.
34. Mathematicians do it with odd functions.
35. Mathematicians do it with prime roots.
36. Mathematicians do it with relations.
37. Mathematicians do it with rings.
38. Mathematicians do it with their real parts.
39. Mathematicians do it without limit.
40. Mathematicians do over an open unmeasurable interval.
41. Mathematicians have to prove they did it.
42. Mathematicians do it ad infinitum.
43. Mathematicians do not do it. They leave it as an exercise to the reader.
Matrix analysts
1. Matrix analysts don't do it until it is positive definite.
2. Matrix analysts do it within a Gershgorin disc.
Matrix computationalists
1. Matrix computationalists do it by pivoting.
2. Matrix computationalists do it on a mesh.
Measure theorists
1. Measure theorists do it almost everywhere.
2. Measure theorists do it almost nowhere.
1. Moebius always does it on the same side.
Number theorists
1. Number theorists do it perfectly.
2. Number theorists do it rationally.
3. Number theorists do it a prime number of times.
Particle physicists
1. Particle physicists do it with different flavours.
2. Particle physicists do it with three colours and anti-colours.
3. Particle physicists do it with Feynman diagrams.
1. Physicists do it on the event horizon.
2. Physicists do it in waves.
3. Physicists do it with ropes and pulleys.
4. Physicists do it with vectors.
5. Physicists do it at the right moments.
6. Physicists do it with force.
7. Physicists do it on the spur of the moment.
1. Probabilists do it on random walks.
2. Probabilists do it stochastically.
Pure mathematicians
1. Pure mathematicians do it rigorously.