Behold I am Prologue, I have donned cyber flesh to come amongst you and regail you with story.
It takes place in the faraway lands of Stumbleupon, and has a cast of thousands, some of whome aren’t even creepy ass*, balding, beer bellied, couch potato, pychopaths from the hills of Michigan trying to lure innocent little ol’ me (heyulp! heyulp!) to their evil lairs to have their wicked way before dismembering and salting my exqusisite cadavar for winter eating – although most internet denizens actually are, studies have shown this to be the case, the world may not be out to get me (my therapist is most insistant on this point), but the cyberworld most certainly is.
Umm where was I?
Oh yeah, the story.
Well first let us introduce our cast of characters…
* sounds like a medical condition doesn’t it,
“doctor I just can’t sit still, on the couch watching TV I move slowly from side to side, and I’m sure the cushions are dissappearing….”
“hmm lie down on the table there and let my get my staple gun, sounds like you have a nasty case of CREEPY ASS!“
(p.s. this blog is just me posting back all the reviews that got removed when I deleted my old blog, I am slowly working my way through a billionty one files, so if you haven’t been re-added it’s nothing personal, just I haven’t got to you yet, and I’m hungry, I want to go and eat, not spend all night here copy and pasting from endless HTML files. Unless of course it is personal, in which case, well… it is :p )