TUIT [circular format

Stumbleupon Review

  • TUIT [circular format]
  • The Turing Tarpit is where everything is possible but nothing interesting is easy
  • The twelfth regeneration's a bitch and then you die
  • Two atoms bump into each other.  "Are you ok?"  "No, I lost an electron."  "Are you sure?"  "I'm positive."
  • The two most common things in the universe are dark matter and stupidity REN & STIMPY in '96!
  • 2+2=5, for moderately large values of two
  • 2+2 now equals 5.15785423.  Please recalibrate your equipment accordingly
  • 2.998×10^10 cm/sec–It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW
  • Two ROMs don't make a write
  • 2^2^666 + 1   The Prime Number of the Beast….ok, *you* prove it isn't prime
  • 2 x 4 x 666   The Lumber of the Beast
  • Two wrongs are only the beginning
  • Two wrongs don't make a right–it usually takes three or more
  • Two's complement.  Three's a crowd
  • UFO's are real–the Air Force is swamp gas!
  • Ultimate Question Research Team
  • The ultimate smart weapon would be too smart to blow itself up
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