Stumbleupon Review
- Sanctimonious Non-Smoker on the Rampage [picture of cigarette with forbid symbol]
- Sarcasm impaired. Please mark all jokes clearly.
- Sarcasm? What's that?
- Save an endangered species–hug a romantic
- Save gaming–kill a Magic player
- Same old torture, every day, every day
- Save the Earth–it's our only source of chocolate
- Save the mundanes–we need them for breeding stock!
- Save the nukes
- Save the universe–collect all four
- Save the werewolves–Help protect an endangering species
- SCCS, the source motel–programs check in and never check out
- School-free Drug Zone
- School is mostly true-false. Life is mostly essay questions.
- Schroedinger cut the wave equation down to <psi>'s
- Science is true–don't be misled by facts
- Science seeks to make theories that are so beautiful, elegant, and logical that Nature is flattered and acquiesces
- Scottish country dancers are reel people
- SCSI is *not* magic. There are fundamental technical reasons why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat to SCSI chain now and then.
- Secret hamster of fandom
- The secret is to find out what people really want and then call it self-awareness
- SECURITY Sure, it starts out as "ooh" and "aah", but then later there's running and screaming and….