Stumbleupon Review
- Light a candle, curse the glare
- The light at the end of the tunnel may be a NO EXIT sign
- The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon
- Light Sabers–a part of living
- Light Side, Dark Side–I'm the one with the blaster
- Lightning is one hell of a murder weapon–and the best part is, it can't be traced
- lim (3->4) <square root of>3 = 2
- Limit congress members to two terms–one in congress, one in jail
- The lion and the lamb shall lie down together, but the lamb won't get much sleep
- LISP is a recursive language–first you curse, then you recurse
- LISP is like a finely choreographed ballet. Ada is like a waltz of drugged elephants. C is like a sword-dance on a freshly waxed floor.
- The little engine that philosophized I think I am! I think I am!
- The little engineer that could
- Live Lent in the fast lane
- Live long and prosper
- Live long and prosper. It's logical.
- Live now–procrastinate tomorrow!
- Live Wild or Die!
- Living saint–please tempt
- Lizard Invasion Newts at eleven
- Logic designers don't have orgasms–they have nandgasms with inverted gates