Stumbleupon Review
- It's hard to predict the future when they keep changing the past
- It's hard to seize the day when first you've got to grapple with the morning
- It's hard to think of you as the end result of millions of years of evolution
- IT's HARd to tYpe wHILe holdINf a Cat
- It's important to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out
- It's just AFOG [Another Fucking Opportunity for Growth]
- It's like brother Nietzsche said–being human is a complicated gig, so give that dark night of the soul a hug and howl the eternal yes
- It's never too late to have a happy childhood
- It's never too late to have a rebellious adolescence
- It's not a bald spot–it's a solar panel for a sex machine
- It's not a bug–it's an undocumented feature
- It's not a bug, it's not a feature, it's an ENHANCEMENT
- It's not a dungeon–it's a fortified underground defense installation
- It's not cute being this easy
- It's not easy being a cast iron bitch. It takes years of practice. Most people don't appreciate that.