Stumbleupon Review
- Eat my cactus
- Eat the Rich! The poor are tough and stringy
- Eat whales–intelligent food for intelligent people
- Eat when hungry, drink when thirsty, hack whenever
- Editors are people, too. They're just out of practice.
- Eeny Meeny Chili Beanie, the spirits are about to speak
- 8 bits–byte, 4 bits–nybble, 2 bits–shayve and a hayrcut
- Elf
- ELF: The other white meat
- Email: when it absolutely, positively has to get lost at the speed of light
- An employer once said, "What if I train my people and they leave?" and I answered, "What if you don't train them and they stay?"
- EMT's are into bondage. Medics are into pain.
- The Enchanted Ground–the SCA as it should have been
- The end of the world will occur this Friday at 3:00 PM, with symposium to follow
- End rush-hour traffic now! Legalize vehicular weaponry.
- Engaged in the passive overthrow of the U.S. government
- Engineering is the art of molding materials we do not fully understand into shapes we cannot fully analyse and preventing the public from realizing the full extent of our ignorance
- English is bad Ameslan
- Enlightenment is not a bureaucracy. You don't have to go through channels.
- Enough research will tend to support your theory