Stumbleupon Review
- Beware–I'm armed and have pre-menstrual tension
- Beware of Quantum Ducks–Quark! Quark! Quark!
- Beware of the Vampire Jesus–He gave his blood for you and he wants it all back now!
- Beware the Grin Reaper [smiley face with teeth]
- Beware! The teddy bears of today still carry the vestigial claws of their ancestors
- BFA: Branch to False Assumption
- The Bible contains 6 admonishments to homosexuals and 326 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean God doesn't love heterosexuals–He just thinks they need more supervision
- The Bill of Rights goes too far–it should have stopped at "Congress shall make no law"
- The Bill of Rights is over two hundred years old–at that age, I probably won't work either
- Bill the Cat fan club
- A billion here, a couple of billion there–first thing you know, it adds up to real money
- A bird does not sing because it has an answer–it sings because it has a song
- Bisexual, Proud, and Queer of it
- Bisexual Separatist [picture of interlaced female symbol, smiley face, and male symbol]