Stumbleupon Review
- And the brains are even bigger!
- And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, for if you hit a man with a ploughshare, he'll know he's been hit
- And thou shalt have dominion over all the beasts of the earth…except, of course, for cats
- And what do I look like–the living?
- Angel: A gargoyle with cosmetic surgery
- Angst-free zone No wallowing
- Animal testing is a terrible idea–they get all nervous and give the wrong answers
- Ankh if you love Isis
- Another case of too many scientists, not enough hunchbacks
- Another deadline, another miracle
- …another smooth escape disguised as a dramatic exit
- Anti-paranoia is that eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else
- The ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind [picture of ants blowing in wind]
- Any bureaucracy re-organized to enhance efficiency is indistinguishable from its predecessor
- Any civilization that can't distinguish between magic and technology is insufficiently advanced
- Any excuse to wear a sword is a good excuse