Stumbleupon Review
- Abandon all hope, ye who PRESS ENTER here
- Academic infighting is vicious because the stakes are so low
- An acceptable level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job
- Access denied–na na na NA na
- ADA is the COBOL of the 80's
- Addicted to fanzines…drugs would be cheaper
- Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later
- Advertising must be trite–it's the law of the jingle
- After a correction has turned out to be a mistake, it will be impossible to fit the original quantity back into the equation
- After dark, all cats are jaguars
- Against stupidity, the gods themselves struggle in vain
- Agnostics can do anything if they have something to not believe in
- Actors aren’t quite human, but then again, who is?