Then a woman said,
Speak to us of Old Age.
And he answered:
Long ago, Elmir the Curious sailed a small craft up the Euriptic River.
He sought the Elixir of Youth.
It was said that a bush grew somewhere along the river bank, the leaves of which, when cooked for many hours, produced a substance which could ward off the effects of age.
For many years he combed the banks of the Euriptic.
One afternoon he happened upon a Strange Bush.
He picked as many of its leaves as he could carry and sailed back to Califen.
Late that evening he had skimmed off two small vials of the thick and pungent substance.
And he called together the elders of the city, explaining that he was prepared to sell his Elixir of Youth.
How do we know it will work, the elders asked.
Elmir was incensed by these doubts. As they watched in silence, he gulped one entire vial full.
Though Elmir lived for many years after, he never spoke to the elders again.
Many inquired of his experience, but his lips were sealed.
Then he had not discovered the Elixir of Youth, the woman shrugged.
True, the Master replied, but his wealth and fame spread throughout the land.
For he had invented Elmir’s Glue.
Kehlog Albran – The Profit