t h e – o n e – w e – w a n t – b a c k

In her own woids…

I’ve decided to reactivate this temporarily dormant account in order to express my disdain for politically insensitive, not to mention extremely distateful avatars flaunted by several SUers on Stumbleupon.

Following the Lebanon/Israeli conflict, it seems no coincidence the amount of avatars reinforcing th Israeli/American alliance has significantly increased. Some have even taken it a step further by including animated gifs of the aforementioned flags with the slogan “the axis of good” written underneath. The intention of these avatars/gifs is obvious, and so its needless for me to elaborate any further.

And so, considering it’s four in the morning and I’m NOT prepared to start ranting away with this already too-long notice – I’m signing off.

But I do hope this place realises that tolerance, and consideration for others wins over close-mindedness and extremism, because I can only see it getting worse if people fail to recognise this.

And anyway – why is political stance taken so seriously in the first place? There is a big difference between a keen interest in the subject – to regarding it as the only thing proving your identity and self-worth. I think it’s unhealthy, obviously, and also because it causes terrible friction with people who may hold different views – but course: this is exactly what you want.

– making this rant completely pointless.

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