B g S p u r

      Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!

      And Welcome!



      To BgSpur’s wonderful woman emporium!

      Select your woman by location, by age, by cutificiness!

      But be still your beating and excited hearts, for there is more!

      What you don’t realise on initial purview of his masterful pages is that BgSpur is more than just a great categoriser of fetching femmes… and a consumate purveyor of tacky cyber sex requests… (an artist’s impression of what one might look like)

      He is also a culinary genius!

      With a great stock of prime game kept on ice, in nice neat little bags, ready to be warmed and basted for your delection….

      All of course neatly labelled in the same almost obsessive compulsive style as his blog.

      dilemmas [arm]
      29 year-old woman
      Nashville, Tennessee, USA “

      MsBeccas [thigh]
      33 year-old single woman
      Everett, Washington, USA”

      missranis [leg]
      22 year-old woman
      Honolulu, Hawaii, USA “

      sbos [leg]
      29 year-old single woman
      Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

      menthapiperita [breast]
      She was beautiful when she cried and begged me not to use the knife!

fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better run run run away!

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