m i s s a
Weeeeeeeel funny you should mention it, but before you read any book on social networks as a speciality then really Albert-László Barabás’s Linked is an essential starting point!
From there of course Clay Shirky is the classic.
His “Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality” always has me in stitches, “The Cable Internet Industry is an Over-hyped Meltdown Waiting to Happen” in a coma!
Don’t worry, I have heard of LilPoot, mighty are the battles we have shared, many the cities we have destroyed in our wrath, long and hard the campaigns of war! But still I respect her as a true and honerable foe, even if she does smell a bit funny.
Oh hang on though, LilPoot?
Bah, silly me, I thought you said diabollette (daughter of satan)!