The Freaky Phobias!

The leading body for Great Mole Rat research has this to say on their website, along with a common sense solution for avoiding becoming Great Mole Rat fodder:

    The Great Mole Rat leads all other mole rats on the mole rat planet.
    Do you have Zemmiphobia?
    When traveling to Mole Ratia sector 12 during your intergalactic summer holiday do you quiver in fear at the propaganda posters and murals of His Excellency The Great Mole Ratrat?
    Can you not bare to read in history class about The great mole rat leader, like when The Great Mole Rat led his army through Europe in 306 AD?
    Does it pain you to participate in the great parade on Worship the Leader day, where his excellency is present?
    If you answered yes to all these questions then you are Zemmiphobic. Just stop going to the mole rat planet, ‘kay?”


    Thanks to for bringing this worthy cause to my attention.

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