Je Ne Sais Quoi

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Why do I love you
It makes no sense
You are slim and nonsensical
I guess I love you
For all the wrong reasons
I guess it has to do
With your je ne sais quoi
Which is overpowering
To say the least
By which I mean
Your decision to laugh
At all the wrong moments
And your distractedness
And hazel brown eyes
And I also mean
Your crooked handwriting
The notes in your journal
That cannot be read
By man or by marmot
Your tea-stained skirt
And interesting hair
Why do I love you
When you just sit there
Making faces at me
It makes no sense
I guess I love you
For superficial reasons
But that’s not to say
I don’t really care
Or this doesn’t matter

– Aaron Belz –

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