I Used To Believe : selected : best

I wanted to grow up and become a marine biologist, which seemed to me the perfect combination of studying nature and shooting people.
– Alex

I had a strange fear that if I closed my eyes in the bathtub, William Shakespeare would come up through the drain and kill me. I knew his name, but I had no idea who he was, so I just naturally assumed he was some sort of bathtub vampire.
– Dan

I thought, in kindergarden, in order to read a book you had to read the page then turn it around and wave it back and forth. Little did I know the teacher was just showing us the pictures and it was not required if you were reading to your self.
– Ryan

When I was little I used to keep imaginary chickens in the bottom drawer of my bedroom cupboard. Every day I would shut the door, open the drawer, let the chickens out and feed them. One day my dad came into the room and all the chickens escaped. I was devastated as they were all eaten by my imaginary dog, Sandy.
– Elizabeth

I had a somewhat imaginery friend it was actually more like a voice in my head. It sounded like an older and british me she would know everything going on in my life and was my voice of reason and comfort me when I was sad. I also had a mean voice that sounded like an evil me and would make fun of me and put me down all the time. Surprisingly they never fought with eachother. I still hear them from time to time.
– Penny Lane

When I was younger, I had a rock named Bob and I took him everywhere. He talked to me all the time and I talked back. My family thought somthing was seriously wrong until they took Bob away and the problems stopped. Weird.. huh?
– Goochey

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