John Forbes Nash – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

me Capitalism, Socialism, Anarchism, Libertarianism, $What.Eh.Vuh-ism
are in the main part grotesque fictions foisted upon us by
self-important, self-aggrandising arseholes; rich in chattering class
knowledge and ‘education’, but utterly impoverished when it comes to
anything approaching real wisdom or insight.

Unfortunatly we ourselves tend to be rather well off in our capacity
for self-deception* and unquestioned belief, believing things as adults
that make such simple childhood conceits such as Santa Claus and the
Tooth Fairy pale into insignificance.

Countries for instance, what is a country but dog piss on a car wheel?
and we’re the wheels; not the incontinantly pissing dogs of war.

If there is a better way then I think in part the key to it might lie in the works of John Nash.

But then, if there is a better way, then it will proabably never be
followed. And I don’t really believe in Answers anymore anyway, don’t
even believe in Questions… Although I do believe that if you close
your eyes and throw yourself backwards off a cliff perhape one time in
a billion you will never land.

So I guess it’s possible, who knows?

Who cares! I’m off to screw bits of wood together, hopefully into
something resembling something not entirely dissimilar to a porch. Wish
me warm fingers! 😀

* Ref :p

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