JunkScience.com — The Real Inconvenient Truth: Greenhouse, global warming

    Half-baked sci-quackery for woolly-minded Randroids to lap up.

    This is astroturfing, pure and simple. Written by a corporate spin-doctor who has worked in the past for such worthies as Phillip Morris and Monsanto.

    C.f. sourcewatch.org/index.php



    It fails to blind with science and instead just goes straight for baffling with bullshit; the article is almost entirely fluff and mirrors–logical and semantic sleights of hand.

    I mean the Greenhouse effect isn’t literally a greenhouse?

    No shit Sherlock, I’ve been wondering for years why I don’t get impaled by falling glass every time a jet flies over!

    It does astound me how people are oft quite so eager to be complicit in their own deception. I mean, if someone was lying to me in such a deliberate and patronising manner (to earn the company dollah) I would be pretty fucking pissed off with them, not support and excuse.

    People, people, people… they think you are idiots!

    …If you buy their (hook) line (and sinker), you prove them right.

    For a slightly more genuine (based on rationality, not wishful thinking) page about Global Warming Myths, go here


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